588 Publications
Journal of Medical Devices
Rupak K. Banerjee, William K. Durfee
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Journal of Medical Devices presents papers on medical devices that improve diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic treatments focusing on applied research and the development of new medical devices or instrumentation. It provides special cover...
Nature Materials
Vincent Dusastre
- Nature Publishing Group
Materials research is a diverse and fast-growing discipline, which has moved from a largely applied, engineering focus to a position where it has an increasing impact on other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology. Nature Mater...
Regenerative Biomaterials
Nicholas Peppas, Xingdong Zhang
- Oxford University Press
Regenerative Biomaterials is a fully open access, international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest advances in biomaterials and regenerative medicine. The journal provides a forum for the publication of original research...
Foundations of Biomaterials Engineering
Maria-Cristina Tanzi, Silvia Fare, Gabriele Candiani
- Elsevier
Foundations of Biomaterials Engineering provides readers with an introduction to biomaterials engineering. With a strong focus on the essentials of materials science, the book also examines the physiological mechanisms of defense and repair, tissue e...
Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Nanobiomaterials in Tissue Engineering
Alina Maria Holban, Alexandru Grumezescu
- Elsevier
Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Nanobiomaterials in Tissue Engineering highlights the impact of novel bioactive materials in both current applications and their potential in the future progress of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. T...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Stefan Spiegel
- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Featuring research articles, reviews, comments and perspectives, the journal covers all applications of polymers, including membranes, energy conversion and storage, and biomedical implants; as well as all types of polymeric materials, from polysacch...
Introductory Biomaterials: An Overview of Key Concepts
Lia Stanciu, Susana Diaz-Amaya
- Elsevier
Introductory Biomaterials enables undergraduate students in Biomedical, Chemical, Materials and other relevant Engineering disciplines to become familiar with the key concepts of Biomaterials principles: biocompatibility, structure-property-applicati...
Plastics in Medical Devices: Properties, Requirements, and Applications
Vinny R. Sastri
- Elsevier
Plastics in Medical Devices: Properties, Requirements, and Applications, Third Edition provides a comprehensive overview on the main types of plastics used in medical device applications. The book focuses on the applications and properties that are m...
Biomaterials for Organ and Tissue Regeneration
Nihal Vrana, Helena Knopf-Marques, Julien Barthes
- Elsevier
Biomaterials for Organ and Tissue Regeneration: New Technologies and Future Prospects examines the use of biomaterials in applications related to artificial tissues and organs. With a strong focus on fundamental and traditional tissue engineering str...
Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials
Maria Tanzi, Silvia Fare
- Elsevier
Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials presents a comprehensive introduction on the topic before discussing the morphology and surface characterization of biomedical polymers. The structural, mechanical, and biological characterization is describ...