18 Events
2025 International Summer School BIOMAT
BIOMAT France proudly announces the 2025 International Summer School, to be held in Cergy-Paris, France, from 07 to 11 July 2025. « Entering a New Era in Regenerative Medicine: Challenges and Strategies of Tissue Engineering » The summer school agenda has been carefully elaborated to cover a wide range of topics, from the manufacture to the char...
Venue: Paris - Cergy, France | Organiser: Society For BiomaterialsUKSB2025
This year’s annual conference will be hosted by Lancaster University from the 30th June to the 2nd of July 2025. Please save the date in your diaries, watch this space for more information on registration soon.
Venue: Lancaster, UK | Organiser: UK Society for BiomaterialsAO Orthopaedic Research Summit 2025
AO Orthopaedic Research Summit 2025 Davos, Switzerland https://www.ariorthopaedics.org/ 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) CAOS2025, Davos
Venue: Davos, Switzerland | Organiser: European Society for Biomaterials18th ScSB Meeting in Finland
18th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials will be held at the historic countryside mansion Vanajanlinna at the outskirts of Hämeenlinna in Southern Finland. Confirmed keynote speakers Marcy Zenobi-Wong ETH Zürich, Switzerland Ruth Cameron University of Cambridge, UK Claas Willem Visser University of Twente, Netherlan...
Venue: Hämeenlinna, Finland | Organiser: Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition
The Society For Biomaterials is excited to host the 2025 Annual Meeting at the Hilton Chicago on April 9-12, 2025. The theme for the SFB 2025 Annual Meeting is Half a Century of Progress: Crafting Resilience in Mind & Matter! SFB will be accepting submissions for Late Breaker abstracts beginning January 2, 2025. Please note that Late Breaker submis...
Venue: Chicago, IL | Organiser: Society For BiomaterialsHumanity Unlocking Biomaterials (HUB) Coordinating Center's Annual Meeting
Faculty: Opportunity for $100,000 pilot grants Translation, computational, and education resources Network with PIs in biomaterials & synergistic fields (e.g., computational/AI) For Students & Postdocs: Opportunities such as computational "interships" for students working biomaterials Resources for doing outreach, research trouble-shootin...
Venue: Chicago, Illinois | Organiser: Society For BiomaterialsSSB+RM Young Scientists Winter School
Learn, network, and enjoy workshops, discussions, and snow activities.
Venue: Zschokke-Haus, Engelberg, Switzerland | Organiser: Swiss Societey for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (SSB+RM)IFAS 2024
As a platform for the Swiss healthcare sector, IFAS presents knowledge, innovations, trends and information on the sector.
Venue: Zurich | Organiser: IFASXXII National and X International Conference of SEOC Spanish Conservative Odontology Society
The biggest congress about the state of art in Conservative Dentistry and present their latest scientific research
Venue: Valencia | Organiser: SEOC12th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC)
WBC is a world-wide event, where experts gather and share the latest research in the diverse areas of biomaterials science.
Venue: Daegu | Organiser: The Korean Society for Biomaterials