A one-stop shop for the engineering and 3D printing of biocompatible tissue scaffolds
RESEARCH-FOCUS. Tissue engineering and tissue regeneration are strongly interrelated topics of research, and both have come a long way. Much as teaching a person to fish is preferable to giving them a fish, an implant that encourages regeneration and a life beyond itself is key to the sustainability and long-term impact of the engineered tissue. The EU-funded INKplant project will develop an advanced 'toolbox' of technologies to enable 3D printing of tailor-made, biocompatible scaffolds that will facilitate tissue regeneration for diverse types of human tissue. The tools will include a portfolio of materials, 3D printing technologies, simulation and experimental evaluation.
H2020-EU.2.1.2, H2020-EU.2.1.3
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023